Not only is dry eye syndrome prevalent among all age groups, but it can be very uncomfortable, especially when trying to get some sleep. Fortunately, there are many home remedies that you can try without needing to seek medical help. On the other hand, if you’ve never really struggled with dry eyes and are suddenly […]
How Often Should You Use Eye Drops For Dry Eyes
Dry eyes can cause irritation and make everyday life more difficult. Visiting your optometrist can help you find a way to relieve your symptoms, and they may recommend eye drops. If you receive eye drops for your dry eyes, how often should you use them? Continue reading to learn more about dry eyes and eye […]
Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) vs Lipiflow: Pros & Cons
Dry eye disease can irritate your eyes, but with the right treatment, your optometrist can help you find relief. Common dry eye treatments include intense pulsed light and LipiFlow, but which option is better? Continue reading to learn more about these treatments, including which is the better option. What is Dry Eye Disease? Dry eye […]